Radio Days

Memory Lane

Then and now. Doing my show in 1971 and my interview on WIIT January, 2018

In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, when I was a student at Illinois Institute of Technology, I also had my own program on the campus radio station, WIIT. In 2018, I was invited to reminisce about the “good ol’ days” by Sam Graham on his show “Living…With Sam Graham Lifestyle Show” on WIIT. Below is that interview.

WIIT Interview, January 5, 2018

During our discussion, I mentioned to Sam the theme I had put together for my WIIT radio program, sung by three gospel singers. Here is my theme:

Stevie B. Superstar
Sung by Andrena Campbell, Frankie Dorsey and Caroline Jones

Here are some memories from “the swingin’ 60s” put together by my  buddy and also former WIIT DJ, P.A. Porter. This is even before my time!

WIIT 60’s Memories with P. A. Porter

Stephan A. Bellinger Productions

Radio programming
written, directed and produced by Steve Bellinger

Podcasts of the actual programs below the article

All my life I have been in love with radio.  Especially radio dramas and skits.  Even now I enjoy listening to “old-time” radio programs.  

On Halloween night, 1968, I was a freshman at IIT.  WMAQ radio was playing a re-broadcast of Orson Welle’s “War of the Worlds,” in honor of it’s 30th anniversary.  I turned out the lights and listened.  Scared the heck out of me.  I wondered, how scary would it be if it were done in a modern setting?  I decided then, I would someday make a modern version myself…

Interested in “antique” audio?
Click here to learn more about the equipment that made up my studio.

In the late 70’s, I really got into audio.  So much so that I started making my own little “radio skits.”  About 1977, I recalled my dream of creating a modern-day version of “War of the Worlds,” and started preparations.  Between 1977 and 1979, I produced several radio plays, using professional actors, honing my skills.  This is when I wrote, directed and produced “The Ephemeral Man,” and the two comic murder mysteries, “The Case of the Alphabet Mugger,” and “Murder on the Evanston Express.” All recorded and edited in my home-made recording studio (see in the photo above). About that same time, I began what turned out to be almost a year long project, writing the script for “Day of the Martians.” 

It was a dream come true.  Professional actors (who by now and become friends) and some talented non-professionals lent their talents.  A dear friend even gave me permission to use some original music.  On Halloween, 1978, “Day of the Martians” premiered on a pseudo network of public radio stations,  WNUR, Northwestern University Radio covered the north side, WHPK, University of Chicago Radio covered the south side, and WUIC, University of Illinois Radio covered the west side.  Ironically, the station at Northwestern University, where some of the action of the story takes place, had a fire, and was not able to air it until a week later.

For years afterwards, “Day of the Martians” was heard by many, on small college radio stations and in front of audiences, including a full house at the Chicago Public Library Cultural Center

Day of the Martians was aired on Canadian public radio and online in 2014 thanks to Richard “Captain Radio” Summers and The Sonic Society. Now it can be heard on the Mutual Audio Network, along with many of my other programs. You can hear them below, as presented by the Mutual Audio Network.

Stephan A Bellinger Radio Programs

 Murder on the Evanston Express
Courtesy of The Mutual Audio Network

Detective Jonathan Towers is riding the CTA Evanston Express. The train is crippled by a blizzard the lights go out and…  well, you’ll see.
With apologies to Agatha Christie.

The Case of the Alphabet Mugger

Courtesy of The Mutual Audio Network

Someone is murdering the residents of the building where detective Jonathan Towers lives in alphabetical order.  Can Towers stop this fiend before he gets to “T?”


The Ephemeral Man

Courtesy of The Mutual Audio Network

A story of life, death and life after death

 Day of the Martians
Courtesy of The Mutual Audio Network

My magnum radio opus

 Halloween Short Subjects

“The Sorcerer’s Apprentice”
Courtesy of The Mutual Audio Network
Written, directed and produced by Steve Bellinger
Narrated by Susan Cygan

“Night on Bald Mountain”
written by Steve Bellinger
read by Darrell Blobaum
featuring Jennifer Hunt as Witch Hazel and Paul Mabon as Satan