The Chronocar


What’s the difference between a TARDIS and a Chronocar?







Imagine being born the son of a slave with the mind of a genius. That was Simmie Johnson in the years following the Civil War.

After a perilous escape from lynch mobs in Mississippi, he manages to earn a PhD in physics at Tuskegee, and in his research, discovers the secret of time travel. He develops a design for a time machine, called a Chronocar, but the technology required to make it work does not yet exist.

Fast forward a hundred and twenty-five years. A young African American Illinois Tech student in Chicago finds Dr. Johnson’s plans and builds a Chronocar. He goes back to the year 1919 to meet the doctor and his beautiful daughter, Ollie, who live in Chicago’s Black Belt, now known as Bronzeville.

But, he has chosen an unfortunate time in the past and becomes involved in the bloodiest race riot in Chicago’s history.





Black Authors Association 
READ IT! Pick of the Week

Black Science Fiction Society
August 2015 Book of the Month

2018 Best Indie Book Award
Science Fiction

2019 Independent Authors
Book of the Year Awards
Outstanding Science Fiction

2019 Readers’ Favorite
Gold Medal Award
Young Adult Science Fiction

Click here to learn more about the Red Summer Riot of 1919

The Chronocar can be found in libaries around the world. Click here for

The Chronocar is now part of the collection and archive
of the Galvin Library at the Illinois Institute of Technology

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Published by Wordwooze Publishing



Over 100 reviews across Amazon, Goodreads and other websites

Some Review excerpts from AMAZON – Click here to read some of the dozens of great Amazon reviews

“This story contains twists and turns that catch you off guard. The theories and thoughts about time paradoxes and the things a time traveler can do to impact history are all explored and handled very well. I greatly enjoyed this book and recommend it if Time Travel is something, you enjoy.”

“I was tense, reading faster and faster. Not just the writing which was great, but the story just wouldn’t let go. So very well done. And not just the science of it, though that is in a higher class. Time travel stories take a particular kind of mind to develop – I’ve read my share, this one has made the greatest impression on me…

I’m middle class. I live in the suburbs. I’ve read about hate, read accounts of the fear that black Americans endure(d), the irrational discrimination and threat of injustice. I always have believed it… but I’ve never FELT it like this. Perhaps the discovery/experience of this darker side of humanity finally resonated as I felt akin to the protagonist… middle class, educated, a man from 2015. I had an overwhelmingly physical reaction unlike anything I can describe.

I was so… angry.

And upset.

I tried to explain it to my wife, and I’ll almost couldn’t get the words out without crying.

This story, for all its entertainment value, is exactly what I think the best fiction writers dream of. Something that really moves people. Something that belongs in and represents our culture.”

“I rarely pour out my praise on a book, but Steve Bellinger did a fabulous job in writing The Chronocar. From the beginning, the story grabbed my attention and I was immediately transported into the lives, and times, of Sammie Johnson and Tony Carpenter. The story was easy to follow, even with all the scientific jargon about time and space, and it held my interest through to the end.”


Review from Readers Favorite

“I enjoyed both the plot and the history and science that were introduced into the story to provide the validity to the time travel theories. Combined with interesting characters and believable scenes, I found The Chronocar an excellent read that I would recommend especially to teens and young adults.

Steve Bellinger’s story also fills a much-needed niche by featuring black main characters. While Bellinger used racial tensions to add drama to the story, he balanced the dangers of being a minority through history with the fact that not all whites were bigots any more than all blacks were ignorant. He is a master storyteller who takes the time to set the scene with both historical facts and memorable characters. ”

Click here to read the entire review


Midwest Book Review: Small Press Bookwatch

” An inherently engaging and entertaining read from beginning to end, “The Chronocar” showcases author Steve Bellinger’s genuine flair for originality and narrative driven storytelling.”

Click here to read the entire review